Uncategorized May 28, 2013

The Gardener Report Shows A Rising Tide

As a Windermere broker, I look forward each quarter to the release of the Gardner report so that I can keep a careful eye on regional trends for the housing market and the economy at large.  Matthew Gardner is a renowned land use economist and is considered one of the foremost real estate analysts in the Pacific Northwest.

While the full content of the report for Q1 2013 can be found here:


I found these notes to be the most intriguing:

  1. Oregon's employment gains of 1.5% over the past year matched the average for the US.
  2. Washington County's employment gains of 1.3% over the past year was equal to Multnomah County's.
  3. Washington County's unemployment rate is now 7.1%, while Multnomah County's is 7.8%.
  4. The net non-agricultural employment gain over the past year for Washington County was 3100 jobs.
  5. YTD closed sales of exisiting residential units is up 3% in Washington County and 11% in Mulnomah County.
  6. Washington County homes registered a 16.1% year over year price increase, to an average of $295,000.

Great stuff – The market is on the move!


Uncategorized May 24, 2013

An Honor And A Privilege

Just a quick post to thank the gracious leaders at the Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce and particularly the members of their Awards Committee for blessing me with the Outstanding Professional Award at last night's ceremony.  Above all, I wanted to reiterate what I said, somewhat clumsily, upon receiving the honor. 

Hillsboro is a spectacular community, beautifully represented by those at the celebration – From the elected leaders to the drivers of industry & commerce to the educators to the police & fire professionals to the tireless workers for charitable causes to the students who put such inspiring talent on display. 

Association with the Chamber of Commerce itself is a special delight, as that body works under extraordinary leadership to support Washington County as Oregon's economic engine – To be included among its honorees was a stunning and profoundly humbling surprise. 

The loyalty and encouragement of my colleagues at Windermere provided the fuel to thrive, and only standing on their shoulders could I have been recognized.  My beloved wife Kerry and my wonderful kids Roger, Kincaid and Grete play a critical role in each day's efforts – I would be lost without them.

It has been an unmitigated luxury to work with and alongside my Hillsboro neighbors & friends for nearly 12 years, and it is impossible to imagine having been more warmly welcomed or strongly supported.  I am deeply grateful and know for certain that Hillsboro has done more for me than I could ever hope to do for her.

Here's to a great city with a magnificent future – Cheers!